Serpentine Heroes
When you think about snakes, what comes to mind? If it’s danger, deception, or just plain evil, you’re not alone. But I don’t think serpents quite deserve their wicked reputation. They’re usually less likely to hurt a human than most of the furry fiends we adore (think lions, tigers, and bears – oh my!). And they actually do us a whole lot of good! Ready to give our scaly friends another look?
Did you know that Russell’s viper venom is used to help detect lupus?
Or that cobra venom may yield pain medication more effective than opioids – and completely non-addictive?
Many viper venoms help to produce medication that encourages or reduces clotting!
And by dining on disease-carrying creatures like rats, snakes help to protect us from a variety of infectious illnesses!
So, next time you think snakes, be sure to think “thanks”!