A Few Words of Wisdom for Students from Me
Hello, fellow students! The time is now here
For us to begin an exciting new year!
And, if you have just a moment to spare,
There is a message that I’d like to share.
Perhaps you’re now hoping that I’ll share my knowledge
On stuff like classes and homework and college.
You likely expect that I’ll say with authority,
“Academics and grades should be your top priority!
You should also pursue hobbies with dedication;
They’ll look good on every college application.”
Although it’s somewhat true, that is not what I’ll say.
There’s a much greater message to be shared today.
You may have many more school years ahead
That you’re approaching with joy (or with dread),
But my school journey is nearing its end,
And, as of late, I have found that I spend
Less of my time planning out work and fun
And more looking back on the things that I’ve done.
And when I look back, the things that make me glad
Are not shining trophies, but good times I’ve had.
My grades have been great, but I’m not proud of those.
What make me smile are times that I chose
To take a big risk or try out something fun
Or prove that the impossible could be done!
It was by getting lost, not through things that I’d planned,
That I set off on adventures most grand.
I followed my passions. I simply was me.
And, as it turns out, that was the key.
It took lots of hard work, but it was worth the price.
So, fellow students, here’s my advice:
No how-to book, no amount of stress,
No pure GPA will get you to success.
There is no formula, no map, no guide,
No single set method that’s ever been tried.
Listen to friends and parents and all that they teach,
But know that the path must be different for each.
Do the things that you love; give them all of your heart.
And give your best effort to all that you start.
Be true to yourself. Do not pretend nor lie.
Dare to be different, ask questions, and try.
As time passes, you’ll grow and you’ll change; that is true.
But the best you can be you are now: You are you.